Muir Woods – A Truly Magical Place

On Friday, November 2nd, I got to cross two things off my bucket list.  The big one was visiting a Redwood Forest.  Again, my friend Steve picked me up in the morning and we drove North, across the Golden Gate Bridge and then up Highway One.  An hour or so later, we arrived at Muir Woods National Monument/Park.  The walk from the place we parked  to the entrance was really beautiful and I (being the camera whore I am) began snapping pictures left and right.  Steve just laughed and told me to ‘just wait’….  Was he ever right!  I am still trying hard to find the words to describe what Muir Woods was like and how it made me feel: Magical is the closest I can come, but it transcended that in so many ways!  The trees are huge and beautiful.  The air smells fresh and green.  There was a mist that hovered over areas of the trails that gave me a very primal, visceral feeling….like I was transported to another world!  There was vapor coming off the tree trunks as the sun hit them, and the light danced through the canopy and gave the whole place a dream-like feel to it.  It will take me a long while to process this expereince, and in the mean-time, I plan to visit this wonderland often!


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